5 definitions by William Anderson

When someone does something wrong, or states the obvious, the opposing person says to "GET YOUR NECK!"
Drew:"I parked my bike right here!"
Jake:"Where did you park your bike?"
by William Anderson July 27, 2010
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An orgy which occurs when several young inbreds engage in anal sex in a white Lexus
Awwwww shit dirty inbred and the boys had a soup kitchen in my Lexus
by William Anderson December 6, 2022
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When a group of young inbreds participate in anal sex in a white Lexus
Aww fuck young inbreds and the boys had a soup kitchen in my Lexus
by William Anderson December 6, 2022
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When a group of young inbreds participate in anal sex in a white lexus
Fuck young inbred and the boys had a soup kitchen in my Lexus.
by William Anderson December 6, 2022
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When a group of young inbreds participate in anal sex in a white Lexus
Ahh fuck man Young inbred and the boys had a soup kitchen in my white Lexus
by William Anderson December 8, 2022
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