4 definitions by What the shit?

A fucking delicious food made from the mammary secretions of various animals.
"Dude this cheese is fuckin killer."
by What the shit? October 2, 2008
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1. "I'm glad that I'm cut. Dog dick looks fuckin nasty."

2. "Haha, look at that dog. He's got a dog dick."
"No shit Sherlock...."
by What the shit? October 3, 2008
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A manly and heterosexual hug between two bros. Works as a good a greeting, farewell, congratulations, etc. Outsiders may see it as gay, but to bros they know what it really means. Its all about brotherly love.
Bro 1: "Hey man hows it goin!"
Bro 2: "Wassup dude!"
*bro hug occurs*
by What the shit? October 2, 2008
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1.The best euphemism for a penis.

2.What I refer to my penis as.
"It's too fuckin' hot out. My dong is sticking to my leg."
by What the shit? October 2, 2008
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