2 definitions by What the Hail!, Thin Ice, & Ice Princess

When something is ridiculously hilarious, its not a knee-slapper, its not a foot-stopper, but you are laughing so hard you feel like your insides are about to explode! It is an organ spewer.

Hand movement: Bring your hand to the side of your abdomen and loosely clench your fist repeatedly. Act as if you organs or spewing out.
Ian (Sprinter): I placed 5th in the 60!
Tameka: Oh thats cool
Taiwo: What does that mean?
Robin: Of course, he came in 5th out of 60 people!
Marquia & Tameka: ORGAN SPEWER (hand motion)
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Pronounced "potential" without the "tial", but leave the "t" and add "ench." Meaning, a prospective dating companion. You are not yet talking to this person, but he/she is a strong possiblility.
Robin: "OO guuurl, you see that boy over there. He is so foiyne"
Marquia: "I think his name is Devon"
Robin: Oh you know Devon?? I'm bout to make him my potench!"
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