18 definitions by Vash

something that last for ages, with no end
battle of evermore
by Vash October 23, 2003
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Probably the sickest hentai anime ever. EVER. Incest, rape, and shit you wish you could unsee, unhear, unthink, or augment if you're one sick son of a bitch. A top reason for breaking off relations with Japan. Notorious for its provacative nature amongst otakus. But whatever floats your boat, I guess...
What the fuck? Was that enema porn?


Wow, Cool Devices is _way_ fucked up. Kinky, though.
by Vash March 13, 2005
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A Zezima stalker in runescape.. uses king vash to locate him
vash tell me what world zezima is on now!
by Vash January 3, 2005
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Echolette is the queen of all lettes. she is a shining example of what it means to be a juggalette. Shes always there for a friend and if someone disses her or her fam they better watch there backs. She is also the Queen lette because of all the little bitches that cant stand that she is prettier than them so they post pics of her saying that they are her. (You know it really sucks to be a mod at a site and have 3 different girls trying to use pics of you as theres).
Echo you are the prettiest and most intelegent women ive ever met. Your insane aswell but thats what i love about you. MMFWCL
by Vash July 1, 2004
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Player X from the Feminem.com Forums is nothing but a poser. He is lower than the classification of Juffalo. He is lower than the parasites that feed off of dung beetle shit. He is a little pussy. At the age of 22, just recently, lost his virginity to a transexual transvestite. In his stupidity, he thought he got her(him) pregnant and broke up with her. He is a low-life worm that will blackmail, even to people that he says are his friends.
Player X licks the asses of the parasites that feed off of dung beetle shit. The only family that will accept him is his transexual lovers.
by Vash May 5, 2004
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Man, this is so spammish.
How can I read this? It is so spammish.
by Vash August 2, 2003
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