2 definitions by Urban advice

Infrared. A similar device called Bluetooth. Infrared is not ment for long distance connectivity, say through mobiles. The opposition has to be within touching distance. Infrared is a device, allowing you to connect (as i said, say through mobiles) to each device to swap and take out files of any sort, from either a computer, mobile, or any other portable device with infrared.
I used infrared connectivity to swap ringtones with my mate.
I used infrared to sawp picture files through my computer.

by Urban advice September 5, 2005
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I.E is a short version for Internet Explorer. A easy-to-use microsoft tool. It browses the web, with maximum security, and operating tools, such as view source ECT.
From the time i am writing this, the latest version is I.E 7, there is no difference from the outside, but there is in the inside (which u cant see or notice at that)
I use the latest version of I.E to browse the web quicker, and safer.
by Urban advice September 5, 2005
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