3 definitions by Urban Enlighter

An insulting word, with many various meanings. In the 19th and 20th century, every puppy mill had a designated "Hanny" who was in charge of killing all the ugly or disabled puppies. This practice originated from the korean word "Han" which means to express resentment and hatred. The Hanny was typically someone who enjoyed death and suffering. In many parts of the world, "Hanny" is considered a slur, akin to the N-word. It is said that people who claim to be a Hanny or "The Hanny" are announcing that they are white supremacists, and enjoy the racial issues people of colour go through or partake in it.
"Im Hanny" - White supremacist on twitter and other online platforms
by Urban Enlighter June 9, 2021
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A Slur, often said as being worse than the n word. The definition of the word is highly contended. Some claim it means someone who loves handjobs, some say that it is a derogatory term for people of colour. Historically, "Hanny" was a term for people who enjoyed killing puppies. Every puppy mill had "The Hanny".
"Watch out, I'm a hanny"
"Bro don't say that, you can get beat up"
by Urban Enlighter June 8, 2021
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A slur, commonly referred to as "the H-word" and likened to the "N-word". Used to describe the enjoyment of of genocidal and unethical behaviour.

History: After the industrial revolution, up until the start of the 21st century, each puppy mill in almost every part of Europe had "The Hanny". "The Hanny" was someone who killed the puppies that were rejected, either because of physical deformities ( a common side effect of inter-breeding between dogs), or because the dog had grown a few months old and could no longer be sold. Most of the puppies were killed using drowning or decapitation, however there were a few disturbing accounts of rejected puppies being burned alive or thrown off cliffs by various "The Hanny"s. These accounts are however unverified. "The Hanny" in a mill was typically an unpaid volunteer.

In the late 20th century, this word began to expand to describe someone who was discriminatory in some way, be it race, religion or gender, and intended to use violence to spread their political beliefs (Most notably: "Hitler the Hanny"). In the early 21st century, as the liberal ideology became more widespread in Europe and in Northern parts of the Americas, a group of people nicknamed TheHannyYT (The Hanny Your Turn) began to use the word "Hanny" to describe themselves, publicly proclaiming that they were willing to use violence and force to restore the Western world to its conservative ways.

The meaning has stayed consistent ever since.
George: "I'm a Hanny"
Jack: "Me too bro, All lives matter"
George: "All lives matter is just a tame movement. Us Hanny's are way more extreme."
by Urban Enlighter June 9, 2021
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