2 definitions by Untitled Document

Noun - A website orrigonally designed as a dictionary for people to post slang termanology. However the lack of Filter or monitoring makes it a soapbox for people to complain about things (see Urbandictionary.com for an example post.) Because of it's community of people who have become intoxicated by internet anonyminity, it has mostly become ANOTHER place where people hold pointless and petty arguments that acomplish nothing.
Example 1: Urbandictionary.com would be good if retards didn't post there

Example 2: Rather than posting a real definition on Urbandictionary.com I'm gonna argue one of a million completely retarded points.

Example 3: Yes, I am aware of the irony of posting a rant on Urbandictionary.com about how people should stop posting rants on Urbandictionary.com. No need to comment on that

it's urban "Dictionary." Not urban "Be a bitch and whine about things."
by Untitled Document June 29, 2006
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Noun 1. A person who mainly eats meats, often having a limited palette of greeny within their diet.
Noun 2. A person who believes in super situation or religion in a way that is extreme.
Noun 1.
Andrew has recently became a Protinist, refusing any food made from plants
Noun 2.

Jim is often known as a Protinist from how he explains paranormal activity
by Untitled Document January 23, 2022
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