2 definitions by Uh I created an acc for this

Apparently started as some sort of comment spam on a instagram page @Rap post about Tony Hawks painting his blood on skateboards to sell

Now it's spammed in posts and mostly meme posts
Post: *meme*
Comments: Nah he/she/they tweakin
Some internet people: what does that mean
Replies: Nah he tweakin
by Uh I created an acc for this August 25, 2021
Get the Nah he tweakin mug.
Some sort of comment spam started on @Rap instagram post about Tony Hawks painting his blood on skateboards

Now it's being spammed on many meme posts and others
Post: *meme*
Comments: Nah he tweakin
by Uh I created an acc for this August 25, 2021
Get the Nah he tweakin mug.