2 definitions by Tyrone Muhammad Johnson

A sex move in which the female climbs on top of a shelf or stool, jumps off and does as many flips as she can, then lands on the mans dick, in hopes it goes into any hole.
“I broke my dick yesterday bro.”
“What happened my guy?”
“Me and Marcos failed the bullseye
“Nigga the what?”
by Tyrone Muhammad Johnson December 9, 2019
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The word southern southerners say when talking bout niggas
Hillbilly 1: howdey clEAdus!
Hillbilly 2: yessum mikar?
Hillbilly 1: ya see thet NEEGAR o’ der?
Hillbilly 2: let’s liiiiiiinch det NEEGAR!!!!
Nigga: NIGGA WHAT!?!?!!?!?
by Tyrone Muhammad Johnson January 23, 2020
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