2 definitions by Toolset doo

someone who when given the chance they want, makes the absolute most of it.

Love him back
did you see Neo today?
what is Neo wearing?
I would like Neo but him and that girl are never gonna split.
by Toolset doo February 2, 2019
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Neo’s (if a person) tend to usually be pretty funny and easy to be around. A Neo always puts a smile on your face no matter what mood your in. Neo’s usually only love one girl and treat them all around fantastic. If you ever get the chance to love a Neo keep him, he will love you like no one else will. Neo’s usually tend to be tall yet skinny. Neo’s are usually pretty cute and tend to think of themselves that way as well. Neo’s can also be pretty shy and emotional, just treat them how u want to be and it’ll all be okay. Neo’s are generally athletic, but sometimes try way too hard to fit in. Neo’s are great bestfriends but even better boyfriends when it comes to the one he really loves. Neos are usually all around well behaved, athletic, and understanding guys. All they really want is a chance.

Give him a chance.
what in the world is Neo doing?
Neo can be so dumb.
Did you see Neo today?
by Toolset doo February 2, 2019
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