12 definitions by TomShark, President/CEO of Oddly Enough

A form of political stupidity that produces such absurdly tragic consequences it evokes hysterical laughter in the masses.
The new Healthcare law is so tragicomical, I don't know whether to kill myself now or wait and let them do it for me.
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Noun: The answer one correctly guesses when, in fact, they acutally "pulled it out" of their rear-end.
David Copperfield is very skilled at entertaining us with optical illusions, whereas, John Kerry just as skilled with a Protoctical Illusion.
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Noun: Describing the personal qualities of having a nominal form of toughness while actually manifesting ineffective wimpiness.

This word was invented by QuattrOne on the Oddly Enough boards at Yahoo.
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Surgical procedure to remove one's head from one's ass.
Billy Bob has his head up his butt so far, he'll need a cephalanalectomy to get it out.
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Someone who is absolutely craaaaazzzy about the female breast.
Mardi Gras is a great place for tittiots...so long as they have lots of beads.
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When the quantity of a thing reaches the largest area it can occupy before being reclassified to the next higher size.
Veronica's boobs are maximinimal for that halter top...one deep breath and those puppies will make a break for freedom.
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When the quantity of a thing reaches the largest area it can occupy before being reclassified to the next higher size.
Veronica's boobs are maximinimal for that halter top...one deep breath and those puppies will make a break for freedom.
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