4 definitions by Tk the realist

A bad-ass dude with unlimited potential and vision beyond the herd.
If we had a “Raymond Graybeal” in the group, we would surely dominate this competition.
by Tk the realist August 15, 2018
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A female of latin origin/descent who prefers to only wear giant hoop earings.
It would have been hard to spot Carmen at the Carneceria, had she not been such a Hooper!
by Tk the realist December 30, 2011
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The act of making something harder than it really is financially.
I was delberted earlier when I was unable approve a customer with and 840 fico score.
by Tk the realist January 27, 2006
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when one is so hot and under pressure they will sweat shit.
He knew his last attempt would be the final defining moment as he sat there shwitting bullets.
by Tk the realist July 13, 2006
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