156 definitions by Titus dyfilid

When things in life give you set backs, backstabs, broken dreams, an sees of friends less capable to lead.

Though, this things set you more on track, flashbanged an whiplashed, less hope an all belief, although teach you to need no team. You make less pleads and you learn to lead, but depression becomes deep and emotions become breif to breed.
by Titus dyfilid March 3, 2019
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When you energized to a curiosity, that you begin enticing signals to another and mediationly jerk off to the idea.
She’s a real tease for me, she can break me down til I’m bustin a nut 4 hours into Hyperactive horseplay
by Titus dyfilid February 18, 2019
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Someone who becomes so much more sexually romantic when under running water.
She’s got a touch that makes me surge when I’m Shower sensative
by Titus dyfilid February 12, 2019
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To be confused
Yo mcwaffle dildo you get me baffled with that piss breath bruh ca fr.
by Titus dyfilid February 25, 2019
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When you would rather leave a situation to peace, instead arise unessary conflict or the overwhelming guilt of rejection.
99% of all my regret is the fact I take peacepardons instead of saying how I feel.
by Titus dyfilid February 17, 2019
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To feel if you have emotional compassion so strong for someone for so long, with all due respect, understanding and patience for they’re upmost comfort ability. An deal with slur, bs and drama from ever out source area of interest that you can’t do it anymore and will end this life and start COMPLETely over from erasing to restart your mother board type shit I’d you don’t get a straight forward sign now.
Useless lover. That’s what I am why was I Rasheed this way? A lover not a fighter! When the world is opposite of me I just want to be somebody else.. I’m done being me I’m a useless person. Society has no want or need for me.
by Titus dyfilid March 3, 2019
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When one destroys all negative energy through true balance and one matromoney to be create in matramoney with an improbably but perfect being.
by Titus dyfilid February 11, 2019
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