31 definitions by Time Capsule💊

Sometimes, I wonder if a soul can only reincarnate 12 lifetimes, and then the soul and memory will be faded and become ignorant again.

Being the last zodiac, I guess they have experienced a lot through previous lives.

You tend to see the childish side, the mature side, the loving side, the fiery side, the knowledge, the ignorance, the wise, the retardation, the enlightened, the silliness, the impatience, the patience, the cheesiness.

They seem to have a little bit of everything.
That is why I write those poems when I'm so in love or when I cry. I criticize when I'm mad. I fantansize when I'm dreamy. So, it's all me. Don't be surprise.

The last zodiac.
by Time Capsule💊 July 9, 2022
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I'm not really okay but I will try, and I want us to try together to overcome this. Believe in me. Don't you worry. I care a lot about you. I want you not to feel troubled anymore. Live a noble life — I never wanted to live a guilty life. I don't want you to. You know, you were the only one and will be the only one that I allow myself to break my principles and rules like that. You are the only exception, and will always be. Never again in my life I will allow this to happen again (not with other people).
I'm okay. Well.. I am really not tbh with you. But it's alright.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 26, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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It is almost 212.. and it's without your presence... again. Time flies. Looking back, I startle.. and realize it has already been 2 years. There are so many things have happened within that 2 years.. to almost to the point that I thought we were in a movie – a movie that I don't think you would be successfully creating it your own if there weren't some of my impulsive and brave actions along with my personalities/ authentic characteristics. .. 😅

I wonder if anybody else did like I did in person/ in real life for you.. started from the first moment we met. (1) Why did you rapidly blink your eyes like that? Were you nervous when I asked about your love life when you didn't expect that conversation to happen? Or were you confused trying to figure out why I suddenly felt interested in your love life 2 years ago? I am that way.. very direct.. If there is something that I am curious about, then I will ask because I just want to know. I think I was excited to finally see someone that came from that place. I think I was just curious if you met her where you were born and grew up because that place is associated with me also.. and so is the second place you went to.... And then, we met here :)

(2) I wonder if anybody has run down the opposite direction of the escalators in real life like I did on that day 212.. 😅 I clearly called you the day prior.. but you picked that day to come..
Originally, that was supposed to be my last day there. I remember clearly that I was about to join a meeting.. and I saw you.. and I asked my colleague to let me help you.. and she asked me "girl, what is wrong with you?" :)) I was so shy after that so I walked outside waiting.. I thought you would use the escalator. 😅

"What's that?", and you stepped closer, and you were 1 foot away. That was probably the closet distance I have had with you, other than the moment you put your face so close to my face at the table outside of the conference room.. It was also the day that we were in the same elevator, and went to the museum instead of the Chapel..

21214 - 212 214 another coincidence?
I will be very busy with certain goals so I won't be able to catch up. Be nice. Be kind. Be straightfoward and vulnerable with me.

It's all good.

We can create a comedian movie with a lot of fun and laughters and some puppy love scenes instead... of making a horror movie where ghost 2 keeps chasing ghost 1 and vice versa :)
by Time Capsule💊 February 10, 2023
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What if tomorrow never comes,
Then please just know I've never once regretted meeting you
Like you said you've regretted meeting me
I think our meeting was meant to be
Just wasn't meant in the way we think it is

What if tomorrow never comes,
Then please just know my feelings were true and real
Even though my feelings were developed out of left field
And it was sinful, and full of guilts
It was very unlike me, for real..

What if tomorrow never comes,

Then I will still know you've loved me
In both fantansy and reality,
Full of sweet and bitterness
In your very unique ways.
Whether or not tomorrow comes,
Please let your heart be at peace
Forgive my love and yours
To love your family much more
Every ship will be back to shores
Worry less, worry no more.
Some of many many of my "What If"..
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 23, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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Question 2
«Would I ever have a chance to listen to the rhythms when you play guitar..?»

I sometimes imagine myself being close to you when you play guitar. You sit behind me and put your fingers on my fingers, and show me how to play it..
I would turn around and smile: "You show me how to play wrong notes.. That's not how the Alphabet song sounds like.."
"No, I play it with my heart" - :)
Question 2, I know this is almost impossible. It's only in my imagination. Reality won't allow us.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales February 04, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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I am just an online person in your eyes.

Even though we met offline.
I guess I don't deserve anything real, but artificial and virtual. We can't even have a real face-to-face conversation. Even when we are online, you are in incognito mode, saying that you are someone else to me. You cannot even honest about who you are when you talk to me. I don't use fake account or phone numbers to talk to you. is the same way when you write. You think it's fun. I think it's not and very insincere.

I just don't do that. I treat you like you are you. We met offline, in person. I don't like pretending like we don't know about each others when we talk. I admire and care for the person I know offline, not online. (You)

I am tired with the internet. Frustrations have caused my tears to roll down on my face countless of time.

Nobody cares.
about how I feel.
Not even you.

I am real. I have proven to you through actions.
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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My heart feels like it's almost empty. I feel like I am about to go back to my old self before I met you, maybe worse

– I didn't write.
– I barely had those desires. If the scale is from 0 to 10, then I'd say my desire was 1.
– I couldn't imagine.
Many more but those are key points.

I think you could see the difference in my writing now. It's a mess. I'm unable to express like I used to. There aren't much passion & desire left in me, even pain – it was countless – now it comes and goes. I cried so much before but nothing happened. You weren't there to wipe those tears away or to pat on my shoulder & say "don't cry". I was all alone, by myself. Why did all this happen? Even though there was pain, but I felt loved by you. I was certain about your love back then. I saw you turned around & looked at me. I saw you paid attention to my profile picture (tree, branches). I saw you walked through that door after I messaged you on that app (the app that you denied your identity - why?)

But now.. I am not certain about your love anymore. I told you I can't have those feelings, imagination, or at least be able to clearly express my feelings in writing if I'm not loved. That electrified feeling, euphoria I felt when I was so in love just slowly fades away, leaving me hollowness in my heart and mind. I do my work automatically, just like you. There is no passion. You never gave me your hand.
There are a lot to say but I am unable to express my feelings. It's undefined.
My almost empty heart.

My emptiness
01/27/2022 @ 9:28 p.m.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 27, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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