10 definitions by Tim XYZ

Answer to any problem you may encounter in your journey through life.
A: Damn, I got a shitload of homework
B: Make your mom do it.

A: Can you please pick up after yourself?
B: Make your mom do it.

A: We have a shipment of anthrax that needs to be sent to Iraq by tomorrow.
B: Make your mom do it.
by Tim XYZ November 9, 2003
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The cheat in The Sims that gives you $1000-2000 each time you use it. Add several ;'s to the end of it and hold enter to get heaps of cash.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C = Cheat Box.
Enter "rosebud;;;;;;;;" into Cheat Box.
by Tim XYZ September 29, 2003
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Anyone with an Irish name (Liam, Paddy, Seamus etc.) or actually is Irish.
Get away from me, leprechaun man. I don't want to know what you mean by 'pot of gold'.
by Tim XYZ October 16, 2003
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