4 definitions by Tiffany Jana

Adding a hyperlink to any digital communication with the intent to shame whatever that link points to, or to shame the message receiver
I added a few shame links to my blog post so people don't have to do their own research about the bad guys.

Split screen, Duet videos where people throw shade is a form of shame linking. It's like pointing at someone's misfortune and yelling "Look at how awful they are!!!"

Shame linking can be a form of digital bullying if the person/entity hasn't already been cancelled. Shame links can go viral due to schadenfreude.
by Tiffany Jana September 3, 2021
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A spontaneous gathering of otherwise unrelated individuals/groups.

Various small groups forming one large group.
Related words: motley crew conglomerate smorgasboard impromptu circus
" The Natural History Museum shelters a comball of tourists during unexpected summer rainstorms."
by Tiffany Jana September 11, 2006
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A financial package, like a golden parachute, added to BIPOC employment contracts that include diversity titles or JEDI responsibility. The severance package accounts for the emotional labor and emotional tax accrued during the job and protects against the statistically likely premature dismissal due to organizational flightiness, shifting of priorities, or gaslighting of the candidate.
I negotiated reparations severance into my employment contract because it was a Chief Diversity Officer role, and they like to fire us after they get their Linkedin photo-op.
by Tiffany Jana September 17, 2021
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Confidential documentation of past transgressions for which one is contrite. This includes documentation of the evidence of your growth journey and restitution so concerned parties (like a company or board of directors) can be prepared in case you get called out for something that is actually old news and no longer a reflection of who you are today. It's an antidote for being called out for something you already served time for (literally or metaphorically) or that you have genuinely learned from. It's not guaranteed to prevent being cancelled, but it's better protection than being called out and pretending it never happened.
I submitted my redemption disclosure to my company today. I sure hope the people who saw me in blackface at that party in 1982 don't call me out.
by Tiffany Jana September 17, 2021
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