142 definitions by Thispagewasmadeforme

A best friend someone who understands you when no one else does they see life in a similar manner to you. You can cry to them when you need them most they will always be there. You will fight but at the end of the day you have each other trust.
by Thispagewasmadeforme September 8, 2020
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A best friend someone who understands you when no one else does they see life in a similar manner to you. You can cry to them when you need them most they will always be there. You will fight but at the end of the day you have each other trust.
by Thispagewasmadeforme September 8, 2020
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A person who has a lot of friends because they fake as hell.
by Thispagewasmadeforme November 6, 2020
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A family or large group of people manipulating or using fear to keep intetllege people with an IQ of 120 or above stupid or taking there right to education and giving it to the group members then mocking them for year because of spelling ,Grammer or math for being dumb.
by Thispagewasmadeforme November 18, 2020
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A family or large group of people manipulating or using fear to keep intetllege people with an IQ of 120 or above stupid or taking there right to education and giving it to the group members then mocking them for year because of spelling ,Grammer or math for being dumb.
by Thispagewasmadeforme November 18, 2020
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A family or large group of people manipulating or using fear to keep intetllege people with an IQ of 120 or above stupid or taking there right to education and giving it to the group members then mocking them for year because of spelling ,Grammer or math for being dumb.
by Thispagewasmadeforme November 18, 2020
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