1 definition by The swag cat

A under category of nerds/geeks.

The Monster kids is a person who know's everything about either horror movies, urban legends/ghost stories, classic monsters or/ and other horror related stuff (most of the time its all of that stuff) He's room is probably filled with scary masks and other horror related stuff.
Also the Monster kid is usually an outcast

The Monster kid knows the rule's on how to survive in a horror movie but would probably never survive in a horror movie.

Randy from scream (1996) is probably the most popular Monster kid in media

Even tho he isnt the only monster kid in the scream franchise

Most horror movie's about teenager have a monster kid character
Person a : "The Monster kid is my favorite type of fictonal character"

Person b " yeah because your one of them"
by The swag cat December 26, 2022
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