4 definitions by The fuck you looking at?

The fuck you searching google for? You fucking idiot google is taking over the world and you don't even know what it is yet? You probably just searched this up through fucking Google.
Person 1: "Hey, look at this image of your mom"
Person 2: "Did you really just searched fat mom on google?"
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A person who is ignorant and childish enough to risk their children's life by not vaccinating them because a satire news website said vaccines cause autism. That ignorant person also thinks the government controls google and uses it as an excuse for not finding reliable articles on this.
Anti Vaxx Mom: I'm anti vaxx because vaccines can cause autism.

Anti Vaxx Child: Mom, I don't feel so good...
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She fucking gave you birth you cunt.
She is your mom because you came out of her vag*na
by The fuck you looking at? May 15, 2019
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