66 definitions by The coMANd'r

When you find yourself in a date with someone who bores you to the point that you find yourself asleep with your eyes open.
Paige: Dang, the guy last night who took me to dinner was such a bore. He caught me datenapping right during the entree.

Jill: Ya, I always used to suggest movies instead of dinner, in the event the guy was a loser, so I could catch up on my datenaps, especially if I did not get my meetnapping that day at work.
by The coMANd'r October 29, 2014
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When you wave to someone you know and another person intercepts your wave mistakenly as if you are waving to them, e.g. caught in the crossfire of your wave.
I was waving to Eddy at the show and Phil thought I was waving to him. Awkward... Phil waved back to me as he was caught in a whoopsie wave. It's almost as bad as when Jim invited me to lunch, thinking I was Tony because his phone contacts were screwed up resulting in Jim texting me with an invite.
by The coMANd'r April 14, 2014
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Requesting a hotel, typically a motel, to call you at a certain time to remind you to smoke the doobage. Essentially a wake up call for stoners.
My roommate Carson used to set the alarm clock to wake him up for a smoke session early in the am, aka wake n bake, so much so that when he travelled and was too high to figure out how to set the alarm clock in a hotel, he'd call the front desk and request a bake up call. Typically at 4:20am.
by The coMANd'r November 30, 2013
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