3 definitions by The Real Mr. Hegarty 📖

The god of all schools who teaches me math better than all my maths teachers combined :D
Sorry Miss Reggler but I learned nothing from you this year. It was all thanks to Mr. Hegarty :)
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The god of all schools who teaches me math better that my math teacher 😎💪💅
Sorry Miss Reggler but you have taught me nothing this year. It was all Mr. Hegarty 😙
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A girl or guy that has a really big nose, either because of genes, or because they lie too much. Other word for them can be: Pino, Pinocone, Pinny, Big Nose, Liar Liar, Big Ass Genes 🤥
Yo Pinocchio help me out?

Yo Pino stop lieing!

Your such a liar, it shows you know?!

Yo Pinny get it reduced when your older a'ite?

Hey Big Nose, what smells?

Yao got big ass genes!

**People we use them against are Bella, Lacey and Miss Wilks
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