58 definitions by The Real Canadian

Nickname for Ivanka Trump, who could be the least qualified federal employee since...her old man.
White House Barbie promotes a brand of black beans to the public, acting more like one of Barker's Beauties than a high-ranking government official. Isn't that unethical?
by The Real Canadian July 18, 2020
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A fat, ugly little man with lots of body hair, he could be mistaken for that half-human/half-ape creature that lives in the woods
I gave Sasquatch a $500 gift card from a spa, he needs hair removal badly.
by The Real Canadian May 9, 2019
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Any person who has an irrational, deep-seated belief in God. Also known as a religious fanatic, they belittle the intelligent and reasonable person who tries to make them come to their senses:
God doesn't want you to enter a certain occupation. (What do they know?)
Doctors act like Gods. (Oh, puuulllleeeesse! Letting a child die of a curable illness or injury is not God's will, it's child abuse. Jail the poor kid's so-called parents, okay?)

Religious nuts frequently watch religious shows, and even donate their Social Security checks to the filthy rich televangelists who only worship the Almighty Dollar. They also attend church daily if they could, decorate their homes with religious symbols, only read the Bible, fill their kids' heads with lies about God and the world, call nonbelievers and anyone who tries to talk sense into them sinners, make more babies than they could afford, and say that God brought Donald Trump into the White House.

Religious nuts are hypocrites of the highest order. Some well-known religious nuts include crazy Margaret White from Carrie, the kids' vicious rich bitch grandmother from Flowers in the Attic, the Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting, and myriad Trump supporters.
Religious Nut: "You want to go away to college, you little heathen? They will take you away from God. You will live in sin. You will go to Hell!"

Normal Person: "Oh, won't you just shut the hell up? If there is a God, He would give you free will."
by The Real Canadian April 2, 2017
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A television journalist who was obviously hired for their looks and perkiness rather than their news gathering skills. They look more like supermodels and Hollywood actors than the leather-faced Edward R Murrow and Morley Safer, avuncular Walter Cronkite and scrappy Dan Rather of old. And, they only smile and show their legs while wearing outfits that are more suitable for a cocktail party, yakking about Hollywood, sex and reality TV.
That newsmodel could barely enunciate, and they still put her on the evening news?
by The Real Canadian December 12, 2022
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An Ontario quick lube and oil chain that has been known to scam unsuspecting drivers. It may offer a 10-minute oil change for $20, but upsell you with stuff you don't need. CBC program Marketplace nailed those skeezebags putting in oil and other fluids that could wreck your car, or not doing the job you paid them to do. Beware.
Want to wreck your new car? Take it to Economy Lube.

My brother is so dumb that he drove his truck to Economy Lube for an oil change. The grease monkeys who obviously got kicked out of a sketchy trade school put in the wrong fluids - and, now, my brother has to pay $4,000 for a new engine. Moron!
by The Real Canadian July 22, 2015
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Don't take your car to this place. They will upsell repairs and services that you don't need - at inflated prices - using low grade parts that will wear out faster than you can say "rip off". Hires young, incompetent or dishonest grease monkeys who wreck your car inside out.
Crappy Tire told my old lady that she would have to pay $3,000 for repairs - and she only brought her car in for a stinking oil change. Scammers!
by The Real Canadian August 14, 2015
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A beautiful blonde Fox News and NBC host, Megyn Kelly put her foot in her mouth on live TV. The result? Her 15 minutes of fame were up.
Megyn Kelly might have been a lawyer years back, but she wasn’t smart enough to keep her big mouth shut about blackface. Now, she’s a big skinny nobody, and Fox News doesn’t want her back.
by The Real Canadian May 30, 2022
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