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A kickflip is a skateboarding trick. When a kickflip is performed, the skateboard rotates 360 degrees on the boards axis. Kickflips are one of the most frustrating tricks to learn, as a skateboarder often learns the trick after all the beginner stuff ( eg. ollie and pop shove it ). I would say kickflips are one of the most common tricks in skateboarding, as everyone who doesn't skate is wanting to see an example. Kickflips were invented by Rodney Mullen, but he called them "Magic Flips". Kickflips can be combined with other tricks to make more advanced tricks, look below for examples.

Kickflip + Pop Shove It = Varial Kickflip
Kickflip + 360 Pop Shove It = Tre Flip ( 360 Flip )
Kickflip + FS Shove It = Hardflip
Kickflip + 360 FS Shove It = 360 Hardflip
Kickflip + Body Variation + FS Pop Shove It = FS Flip.
Oh my God, That was the sickest Kickflip I have ever seen In my whole entire life !
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