1 definition by The One, The True, Mr. B.

Noun, Person.

-Formely long haired individual with slight Neo-Nazi based tendencies. Has an incredibly complex outlook on life, although sometimes somewhat dark and demented, he does have a sunny disposition. Philosophical, warrior-like, protective, and trustworthy to the grave.

-Also adept at several different forms of science resulting in mixed results that range from crotch burns and other bodily injuries to jail time, as well as adept at several different types of firearms handling.

-Noticable in public due to the iconic cigar and bulge in back pocket which is a flask.
Mr. B. once downed 2 bottles of Captain Morgan, 3 beers, and a large amount of Bacardi belongin to a friend, fell unconcious for 10-15 minutes, and awoke to due nuclear physics, resulting in a nuclear device."
by The One, The True, Mr. B. April 5, 2009
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