10 definitions by The Sesh Gremlinz

That one fuck that always feels the need to make the same old joke every time they see someone wearing camouflage patterned clothing.
"Oh look he's floating where has his legs gone!?"
"you fucking camocunt"
by The Sesh Gremlinz August 23, 2018
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A Police Helicopter.
Often nocturnal creatures capable of perceiving visuals in pitch darkness. It is a well adapted specialised variant of the common pig, it beams down a search light so that the pack can hunt their prey. (Reminiscent of the tripods from H.G.Wells' "War of the Worlds")
"The day I get arrested is the day that pigs' can fly"
*the Flying pig shines its light over suspect*
"Oh fuck"
by The Sesh Gremlinz August 20, 2018
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Originated at Summer Solstice 2018;
A Shady Wizard is a role often played by a guiding or taunting figure while one is experiencing a psychedelic trip, usually due to having more experience than the rest of the party.
Their psychological power and needed reliability/trust is what makes them so shady...
"Mate I'm freaking out. My whole body is heating up, is that supposed to happen?"
"Nah mate, never seen that before. Maybe you're dying!?"
"Stop fuckin with me, ya shady wizard! What's going on?"
by The Sesh Gremlinz August 11, 2018
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