2 definitions by Tara and Rachel

Someone who is a gold digger, or using someone for money or other goods.
A guy can be known as a midas bastard
There goes that midas bitch (in reference to a young woman with an unattractive older rich man.)
"Hey Sweetie ; ), I really like this Cartier bracelet. WIll you buy it for me?"
"Why all r datez we have to go to Cartier, u a midas bitch!"
by Tara and Rachel May 28, 2008
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Someone who is a gold digger, or using someone for money or other goods.
A guy can be known as a midas bastard
There goes that midas bitch (in reference to a young woman with an unattractive older rich man.)
"Hey Sweetie ; ), I really like this Cartier bracelet. WIll you buy it for me?"
"Why all r datez we have to go to Cartier, u a midas bitch!"

by Tara and Rachel May 24, 2008
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