4 definitions by TVV. MEME DEV

Ms. Rais tend to be annoying teachers with a I.Q of 5 who only got selected as a teacher because of her threats to send her army of cows at the school. their natural habitat is normally a milk carton and they are very protective of it which explains why no one has every seen what's under her desk. However despite this the only people that could even think about dating her are middle aged bald guys.
Your protecting that think like Ms. Rai
by TVV. MEME DEV March 18, 2019
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Most Tahas are known for being aggressive migrates from Russia. They normally begin there day with the soviet anthem and if anyone turns it off well be on the look out for all the communists he will send. Besides that they tend to be social around people...that is if they had enough vodka for the day.
Mate chill, your acting like a taha but not on steroids
by TVV. MEME DEV February 25, 2019
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Kumails are that one friend that you couldn't trust with the most simple things like getting your pen from downstairs. There typically the guys who say "oh yea it wont work" and at first you give him the benefit of the doubt but eventually you realise its just a automated response when you ask for the answer to a math question. To counter this however it is advised you ask the most responsible person in your class which is 10cm away from you.
by TVV. MEME DEV February 25, 2019
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Jovanas are typically that one friend that you question if there on drugs. They typically go through there day making the strangest sounds whilst walking to class but somehow get a decent grade. Besides that they are for the most part well known for there strange habits but befriend her out of guilt when they see her waiting at class for 20 minutes in lunch till the lesson actually starts.
That guy straight up be acting like a Jovana
by TVV. MEME DEV February 25, 2019
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