4 definitions by TJT FIEND

Someone who does not wipe or wash their hands after fisting a bunghole.
He refused to wash his hands after fisting my now elongated bunghole. Whatta knuck naster.
by TJT FIEND May 29, 2009
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One who thrusts their penis into a woman who is considered elderly.
That guy is a total dust thruster; that woman is older than my grandma
by TJT FIEND May 29, 2009
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When someone takes a scoop of peanut butter and uses it to give someone a handjob; and then takes two slices of toast, sandwhiches the peanut butter covered dick in them, and then eats it like a toasted peanut butter sandwhich. Don't worry the dick isn't eaten
"Kathy, why aren't you eating"?"Sorry Dugan, but that Gashmoigoner really filled me up".
by TJT FIEND June 7, 2009
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What kind of car must i get to attract woman with shaved vazhin
by TJT FIEND May 29, 2009
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