33 definitions by TI Satan

Gangstalking is a disinformation term it's called Zersetzung and it's used by the Stasi, KKK, Mormons, Scientology, Freemasons, COINTELPRO, and actively by the CIA, FBI, NSA (Stasi). The CIA runs electronic harassment and the FBI runs gangstalking and Fusion Centers sychronize everything and they use their partnerships as partners in crime and flying monkeys such as Infragard and Citizens Corps and Freemasons and NORTHCOM and Schriever AFB and neighborhood watch and churches and community oriented parasites. It's Coordinated Organized Persecution Stalking.
The targeted individual program has two parts. Electronic harassment (MK ULTRA/CIA) and organized stalking (COINTELPRO/FBI) and use Fusion Centers and their partnerships for gangstalking.
by TI Satan June 27, 2023
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Fusion Centers are trash and make up terrorist because there aren't any and organize all the trash and do electronic surveillance and monitor you're phone and track you're GPS location and sychronize community mobbing trash to harass you with Zersetzung harassment techniques such as gaslighting, doppelgangers, smear campaigns, flying monkeys, and more.
Intelligence agencies such as the CIA, FBI, NSA use the watchlist for organized stalking and cults such as the KKK, Mormons, Scientology, Freemasons also use organized stalking to terrorize their victims...
by TI Satan May 14, 2023
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The CIA and FBI did organized stalking small scale with Air Force DEWs from 1971-2001 according to FBI Chief Ted Gunderson and CIA whistleblower Carl Clark and Jesus Mendoza who filed 3 lawsuits in Texas and lost. PI David Lawson says that the CIA and FBI organizes community snitch groups and first responders and extremist groups and that they're retarded and think they're secret agents. Scientology, Mormons, and Freemasons use organized stalking too and they're organized with community vigilante groups by the CIA and FBI. After 911, the CIA, FBI, NSA, Air Force, Fusion Centers, police, Infragard, and Citizens Corps started organized stalking together. Some cities are so toxic they need to be cleaned by fire and everyones organized stalking based on a vicious smear campaign that you're a terrorist, pedophile, elder abuser, racist, and schizophrenic. Usually it's a community vigilante group tracking someone they hate on whatever platform they choose to use to communicate with eachother.
A targeted individual is someone smear campaigned by a community vigilante or extremist group tracking them that the CIA and FBI organizes and thinks they're secret agents.
by TI Satan June 6, 2023
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A person placed in the FBI retaliation program. "Terrorist watchlist". Please check out targeted individuals and gangstalking victims international support group on fb, gangstalking worldwide on Quora, and r/Gangstalking on Reddit. You're not alone! There are 40,000 of us on the internet worldwide. Most TIs are in the ignorant phase. Most are women. Half die from suicide. After 20 years you'll have a heart condition. Watch out for car accidents and heart attacks. A lot of TIs are on disability because they won't let you work. The stand you're ground law works for me. Punch them in the throat and nose. The FBI is trash and so is anyone who gangstalks. Do you're research. Gangstalkers are like crows. Harassing trash. Set them up and don't let them get away.
The FBI organized trash to gangstalk targeted individual. Now there mobbing trash. I'm gonna p"**** them in the mouth with brass knuckles.
by TI Satan November 25, 2022
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The Stasi CIA, FBI, NSA use Fusion Centers for a total surveillance state and an American Zersetzung gangstalking non investigative subjects on the watchlist for funding and to incite mass shootings so they can impose stricter gun control.
Those Stasi pigs are gangstalking me.
by TI Satan June 17, 2023
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The unpatriotic act turned the country into the United Stasi of America and the Stasi CIA, FBI, NSA unintelligent agencies run the program and confusion centers make up terrorist because there aren't any and outsource most of the harassment to local community groups such as infraretard and neighborhood nazis and Stasi pigs and insecurity guards, who are the FBI's (f) lying monkeys that smear campaign, track, harass, gaslight, 24/7 monitoring and sabotage waiting for you to make a mistake and their only protocol is to kill the targeted individual with plausible deniability. Fake Bureau of Investigation runs gangstalking (COINTELPRO) and Clowns Idiots and Assholes runs electronic harassment (MK ULTRA) to Disrupt, Discredit, Divide (DDD) to isolate, set up, nuetralize non investigative subjects by inducing mental breakdowns, psychosis, regression, helplessness, homelessness, hospitalization, incarceration, suicides, homicides, heart attacks, cancer, and car accidents that's undetectable and it's hard to prove because of invisibility, secrecy, and deception. Zersetzung is death by 1000 cuts. Slow Dagger Masonic revenge poisons every aspect of you're life to completely isolate you so you commit suicide. Freemasons are widespread in the CIA and are tied to the police and are community oriented. Gangstalkers are community oriented parasites or community oriented pussys or Coordinated Organized Persecution Stalking (COPS) program.
by TI Satan June 27, 2023
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DHS FBI Fusion Centers organize and coordinate the targeted individual program with FISA, watchlist, DSM 5 fraud and CIA runs electronic harassment and FBI runs gangstalking and uses their partnerships as partners in crime and flying monkeys to smear campaign, gaslight, harass, and kill the non investigative subject with plausible deniability. Fusion Centers outsource most of the harassment to local community groups such as Infragard and Citizens Corps.
Fusion Centers are trash and make up terrorist because there aren't any and covertly harass you until you react and set traps and do theater.
by TI Satan June 27, 2023
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