2 definitions by Syait Jamedino

the bass sound in pop/rap music in word formate.
commonly used in a subtle, yet effective manner to imply sexual endeavers and/or intercourse.

adding to the orginal two mskmsk, intensifies the endeaver's promiscitiy.

mskmskmsk > mskmsk

can also be seen in past tense: mskmsk'd
future tense: will mskmsk
progressive: mskmsk-ing, or mskmsking.

-can be used as adjective, verb, &&noun.

synonyms: getting some action, intercourse, getting lucky. antonyms: prude, abstinence, innocence.

related words: penisass, parties, bass sound
in a conversation:

used as noun: "hey, syd. you seemed to like bob a bit..get some mskmsk? -nudge nudge-"

used as adjective: 'yeah, i'll admit, atfirst i thought he didn't like me, but then he started to get all mskmsk on me.'

used as verb: "yeah, i totally knew you were gonna mskmsk him from the moment i saw him"
by Syait Jamedino May 27, 2010
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1. Noun. The external sac of skin enclosing the testes in most male mammals. In urban settings today, it is commonly known as the "balls" or a "balls sack" of a male.

2. Adjective. In some settings, this term can be used to say a certain character showed courage or bravery whilst doing an action.
Example of the noun form:

"Susan, my penisass is itchy again"

"frank, I really don't want to know about your balls"

"SUSAN! my penisass doesn't like being called balls, you of all people should know this"

an example of said term in its adjective form:

"You really showed some penisass back there when you saved that kid from the fire, Joe"

"Awe, thanks, man. I try; I try."
by Syait Jamedino May 23, 2009
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