2 definitions by Sweet Loop

Cheerleader: skanky teenager. See: Slut
goddamn cheerleader, she skipped me at the blow job party last night.
by Sweet Loop October 17, 2006
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Irvine is located in California. Once you leave you can't get back in, because that's a rule in Irvine. Irvine’s slogan- "You’re either with us, or against us." Also, it is populated by mainly Christian, Catholic and Mormon individuals, who every now and then will try and get you to convert to their religion.

The city itself is one of the safest in the nation, because the police here are amazingly anal. You roll a stop sign at two miles an hour, and your ass is grass. They are also have some unbelievable vendetta against Asians, some of whom are from foreign countries and have only been in the U.S. for a few months, or were alive during the Vietnam War era, where seeing a person in a uniform meant that you were usually screwed, and whom panic at the sight of a police officer. The police are so dumb that they don’t recognize this, and arrest the person for not following one of their commands.

Also, the cops really hate teens. I don’t know why this is; they just have some thing against teens, especially drivers. It’s unreal.

Its population of Asians is rising, (which makes the police vendetta toward them a bit more perplexing) which is good, maybe it will get the cops to stop being such assholes towards them.

Nothing happens here. It’s rather amazing really. At 10 PM everyone is inside watching the local news or sleeping. The only things I read about are the marijuana busts, and when ever something big happens most reporters have trouble finding the city. The worst thing that’s happened in the city is the guy who went bonkers at an Albertsons and started attempting to kill people with a samurai sword. Because of the lack of action, the cops are buff. They spend WAY to much time at Bally Total Fitness.

Irvine is home to Irvine Meadows, now Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, a decent place to watch concerts. But, honestly that’s about the only good thing about it.

Irvine- the second best/worst place to live ever.
by Sweet Loop October 15, 2006
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