3 definitions by Superior Intellect

The term "Captain Assclown" would be the king of all assclowns. A person who for many years has contantly proven him/herself as an idiot or useless being.
"Bush is the Captain Assclown of USA" would be an example of this word even though it as an opinion and not proven to be fact, it is still an example of this word.
by Superior Intellect October 5, 2004
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Renegades from the Wu Tang temple in Northern China. They perfected the Wu Tang sword style and then left the temple to run thier own clan. History sometimes says that they are murderous people but there are two sides to every story and sometimes history doesn't capture both sides.
The Wu Tang Clan were what is described above, not to be confused with a rap music group that adopted thier name. In America you can pay enough money and just about copyright any word or phrase in my opinion.
by Superior Intellect October 1, 2004
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1. Armored military vehicle used for assaulting the enemy with a swivel mounted cannon.

2. A container used to hold liquids.

3. Not a Rogue, Ranger, or Monk in fantasy roleplaying video games.
by Superior Intellect September 12, 2003
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