11 definitions by SummerBoi?!

Coming from the modern US military (Specifically the US Army and Marine Corps), a POG (Pronounced Poe-gah) is an acronym for Person Other then Grunt, with a Grunt someone with an Infantry military occupational specialty. (Military servicemen in the Reserves, National Guard are sometimes referred to as a POG even though they can have Infantry MOS's.)
The term can also refer to service men who have not seen combat, however this usage is less common and can be hard to distinguish with the original meaning. The term has spread to UK and Canadian militarizes however is relatively unused in Eastern European and Asian Militarizes. The term is usually only found in Voluntary armed forces.
"POG piece of Shit can not even do land nav"
by SummerBoi?! December 21, 2017
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A 'Dab' refers to synthetic or natural and extracted THC, the illegal part of weed that gets you high, oil that is vaped or smoked.
Pass the Dab bro
Next time we Dab bring some soda and chips
by SummerBoi?! April 25, 2018
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A callus or blister or indentation formed from using a Bic lighter too frequently. Caused by pushing down on the spark wheel, or the heat from the actual flame heating the metal or bad handling of a lighter.
My Lighters Thumb hurts like hell!
Look, he must smoke a-lot, he has Lighters Thumb!
by SummerBoi?! January 1, 2018
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Shortened version of Shotgun, it stands for a Shotgun, usually a small one or a sawed-off one.
There is a Zombie outside, go grab the Shotty
I bought a Remington fro 50% off, cool to have a Shotty.
Shotty's sure have a lot of Kick.
by SummerBoi?! December 22, 2017
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