9 definitions by StymieSi

a small band of travelling Hull City football fans who travel the length and breadth of England to support their team through both good and bad times - and show loyalty and spirit, singing when they are losing as well as winning, whether Dolan or Taylor are in charge - they never lose faith.

some particularly enlightened fans will own every album by the band of the same name, and will be campaigning to get 'Never Die', 'Nocturnal' and other rousing classics played before kick off instead of the usual 'slit your wrists' indie shite like Coldplay and Keane.
"when the Tiger Army's on the prowl, and the human world just brings us down".
by StymieSi June 4, 2006
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pigeons. Some people see them as the equivalent of rats because they spread disease and are found in great abundance in city centres getting under people's feet - see chavs, townies etc. See also flite for what they produce.
"i was sat on a bench in town having a mcdonalds and then the second i droppped a chip, a million winged-rats appeared outta nowhere."
by StymieSi June 4, 2006
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