3 definitions by Storm Martin

The art of busting ass in someone's chair while unoccupied to allow them to bask in the aroma when they return.

This is typically accomplished in an office setting but can be enjoyed anywhere.One must be very careful not to shart when performing this gracious act.
"John just left his desk... I am going to go bless his bitch ass with a bench warmer".
by Storm Martin March 9, 2008
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The act of farting in someone's chair while unoccupied to allow them to bask in the aroma when they return.

This is typically accomplished in an office setting but can be enjoyed anywhere.
"John just left his desk... I am going to go bless him with a bench warmer".
by Storm Martin March 8, 2008
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The act of taking a shit on someone's desk. This warm smelly treat should only be left for someone who is very deserving. It is generally left for a boss or someone of upper management either right before, during , or right after you have quit your job. In most cases it is not necessary to accompany a resignation letter with the turd but can be a nice touch.
"I quit!" "That stupid bastard passed me up for another promotion." "I am going to give that prick a desk drop on my way out the door."
by Storm Martin March 8, 2008
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