26 definitions by Steven Muntner *see RAT-MAN

Safe alternative to oral sex. Eliminates the risk of herpes.
Weinberg: Yo did she bitch suck you off?
Weinshel: Nah son, she just gave me a handy and split.
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Usually when in complete dismay about something. Tends to deal with money.
Waiter brings the bill for $17.24 for the young couple. Man looks at the bill: "Jeeeeeeeeeeeesus!"
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Similar to "Sausage Fest" yet does not mean that women are not in the vicinity. Usually includes 3+ guys, typically "Sausages" who have no chance of getting any girls. Commonly referred to as "The Stand."
Tony, Todd, Weinberg and Pat D formed a solidified sausage stand at Viva.
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When a 0-15 year old child take's out his parent's vehicles with no permit nevermind a license.
All the broads wanted to jump in the backseat when Weinberg and Tony went cruisin in the XJS.
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