5 definitions by Steve J

The electronic version (emailing, texting, etc.) of a penpal. ("cobber" is australian for "pal")
My keyboard cobber John is from India. I have many keyboard cobbers.
by Steve J December 20, 2007
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The quintessential “got laid” sexual euphemism where the card is the penis and the credit card terminal (swiper) is the vagina.

Example: My wife got card-swiped by my best friend and now I’m the father of triplets.
by Steve J November 25, 2005
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The awkward part of texting where the context of a conversation is lost without vocal and facial aid. What would normally be a joke or sarcastic comment comes off as an insult.
He got really mad at me so I guess he didn't get the joke. t was definitely lost in textation.
by Steve J August 24, 2014
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A play on the saying "Cut like a diamond". Describing a man who is very fit - most commonly with well-defined arms, chest, legs, and abs. Similar to how good diamonds are well-chiseled and defined.
OMG, have you seen the new guy at the gym? What a guymond bod!
by Steve J July 11, 2023
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Modern technology (more specifically home computers and smart devices, audio/video chatting services, messaging services, and remote desktop apps) that allows someone to work in almost complete isolation - mostly in one's own home.
Well I guess I've been preparing for a quarantine for awhile now. With all of my hermit tech, I haven't set foot in an office for YEARS! My coworkers know I'm an email or phone call away, they just don't know exactly where I'm at - and they probably don't need to.
by Steve J March 14, 2020
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