17 definitions by Steve H.

The Aztec empire's captiol during and around the 14th century.
Tenochtitlan was a city grender then any of those respective to the era contemporary EUROPPEAN cities.
by Steve H. December 9, 2003
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"We'll see about such things."

Conversational brush-off meant to irritate one's friends or significant other.
<Wife> You need to clean the bathroom tonight.

<Me> Eh..WeSAST.
by Steve H. March 18, 2005
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A role-playing game player who forgoes making a well-rounded character to make an uber-powerful combat monster. Frequently a player with low self-esteem who is intent on making their character 'better' than the others.
"Yeah, Liz just buffed out Strength and Dexterity and got nothing but combat feats. She's just a minmaxer."
by Steve H. March 18, 2005
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