9 definitions by Stanford_University

To express utter laziness or unwillingness to do something; complete a task/job. Can be said in a zesty/gay voice to enhance the feeling you are trying to express by stressing the “gh” part in “ugh” and “ine” in “fine”

Should sound something like “uGHHHH FIIIINNNNEEEEUUUHH”. Can also be randomly said in conversations for literally no reason, or to be used in a humorous way.

Where does this phrase come from you may ask? Well, usually on ⬛️🟧 before the actor starts to give head, they make a sarcastic “ugh fine” statement before to make it seem like they dont really want to do it, but then they proceed to do it anyways.
Do you know where the bathrooms are?
ugh fine
Bro tf..?
by Stanford_University August 3, 2022
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Something or someone so crazy/wicked that it simply flew off of the addy
Bro did you see those dirt bike riders??
Yeah they were definitely flying off the addy
by Stanford_University August 3, 2022
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