1 definition by Soundy Monroe

For "Twisted Monkeys in Helicopters"
Ex of Usage

'' How use that? Let's do TMH way ! ''
( System D or with lot of hazard)
''-So have you make a good airplane travel ?
- Oh Please .It was TMH day all the

(Out of control, mad)

The Twisted Monkeys in Helicopters was a

Group of electro musicians . They initiated the begining oh Molecular Synesthesic Music and develop in the beginning of the 2nd century ( ~2133 ).
The words for TMH make a reference to the famous ' Faune Roberry day inf 2158 when the 1500 bonobo

Sscape from the H**** Laboratories the 14 th 2099
by Soundy Monroe April 17, 2021
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