1 definition by Songwritersyndrome

A dude with a backstory with more settings and scenes than any blockbuster out there, and the only person who can be trusted to do the modern punk scene some justice. Can slap a bass harder than your dad slaps watermelons, and has a near infinite lung capacity as to talk about amps, obscure artists, weird chords, and of course California. Running on black coffee and pizza rolls, an Elik is an affordable and fun investment for the whole band. (If you loose your Elik look to the nearest recording studio or neighborhood gutter because he’ll probably be skating in it)
P1“Bro this guy did a gainer off his amp mid show then squirted my tables ketchup in his mouth?!”
P2 “oh yeah. That’s hella Elik”
by Songwritersyndrome May 19, 2022
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