2 definitions by Someone Not Cool

Sasin is a surname of a Polish politic, Jacek Sasin, known for fucking over Poles for 70mln Złotych. (19121228$ according to Google.) It has also became a unofficial conversion factor, 1 sasin standing for 70 million. It also means spending money without any sense.
Damn, that guy really is really doing a sasin, why does he need a new phone?
35 million is .5 sasin.
by Someone Not Cool December 15, 2020
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Before December 20th, a furry can give you a Anti-Fur-Day Pass, so you do not have to participate in it.
Furry 1: owo give me huggies wuggies uwu
You: Sorry I got a Anti-Fur-Day pass from Furry 2
Furry 1: whawt? why? ;w;
by Someone Not Cool December 16, 2020
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