1 definition by SnipeUdown21

A disease that when caught will cause insane and long losing streaks in MLB 2k10. The disease is very contagious and if caught can be lethal towards a player's 2k10 league season. The disease is caught by playing Levins1, the 15 year old that sounds like a small child. The symptons of Levinitis are below.
1. Unable to create any offense, lack of run-support, strike out rate increases.
2. Often giving up Max-pitch homeruns.
3. 2k often screws you over in the game.
4. You start losing to Booty Crusher.
5. Strong urge to want to suck cock.
6. You start to develop a High-pitch voice.
7. You start to become sexually attracted towards animals.
If you have any these symptoms, it is highly suggested to seek medical attention immediately, and to take an absence from all 2k leagues you are enrolled into.
Ever since Dairyman81 beat levins1 in a 2k game, he contracted levinitis and has been on a terrible losing streak ever since.
by SnipeUdown21 August 17, 2010
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