2 definitions by Smudge The Blades

The term used in Indigenous hockey for a deadly hockey player that can take your hockey team to the ship at hockey tourneys. Teams will pay these players 1000.00 and their hotel room to come play on their hockey team for the weekend.
“That guy is deadly, scored 4 goals last game he must of got paid a #Thousand and a room to play.”

“Holy that player has some ever sick dangles, I wonder if they paid him a thousand and a room this weekend”
by Smudge The Blades November 13, 2021
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Taking sweetgrass or sage to smudge your hockey stick, hockey skates and the rest of your hockey equipment before you step onto the ice, your asking for protection and also goals from the deadly spirit that is watching over you. It is also the brand name of a deadly Indigenous hockey clothing line from Alberta and Saskatchewan!
“Smudge The Blades is the only way I can snipe 3 goals per game, it helps me play hockey better”

Hockey player 1 - “Holy that’s a deadly hoodie, where did you get it from?”

Hockey player 2- “Smudge The Blades bro”
by Smudge The Blades November 25, 2021
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