77 definitions by Skyrim550

The inflation crisis in America Biden doesn't care about. Prices for food will start raising up while Biden stuffs his face in some ice cream. That will be impossible now that the inflation crisis is here. So maybe China gave Biden free ice cream
Ground beef is now $20 due to the inflation crisis
by Skyrim550 January 21, 2022
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It is rare for some traditional Catholics to notice this. The Pre-55 Holy Week rite was changed during 1955 by angry Bugnini. The Pre-55 used Folded Chasubles on the Deacon/Subdeacon, and would be taken off for the chanting of the Epistle/Gospel. A Missa Sicca would be celebrated before the Blessing of the Palms on Palm Sunday. The Washing of Feet on Maundy Thursday used to be done after the procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Good Friday also used to make use of Incense and the prophecy readings for the Easter Vigil were 12. I could go on....
Angry Bugnini had trouble sleeping knowing that the Pre-55 Holy Week was too long and that congregation members would suffer for being at a midnight 3 hour Easter Vigil.
by Skyrim550 December 15, 2021
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The Trucker Convoy is to teach Justin Trudeau (Justin Traitor) a lesson. You cannot impose or force a mandate on anyone in society. That is communism. This convoy is located in Canada
Person 1: Hey you going to the Trucker convoy?

Person 2: Hells yeah man!
by Skyrim550 February 8, 2022
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The Sacrifice of the Mass without, chanting, music or incense. Limited ceremonies are used and there is usally only one server and a priest. These Masses are usally celebrated on weekdays.
Archbishop Bugnini got triggered about Low Mass because the congregation are not supposed to make responses.
by Skyrim550 December 15, 2021
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The Deacon is the second minister at High Mass. He could be an actual Deacon or be a postion filled in by a Priest. His duty is to sing the Gospel and assist the Priest at the Altar. He also sings the "Ite Missa Est" at the dismissal and "Procedamus in pace" before processions.
The Deacon censed the clergy in choir at the Offertory.
by Skyrim550 December 17, 2021
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Pizza Hut and Target are woke stores now. Dirty liberals want to get to our kids by promoting LGBTQ.
Me: I wonder what other liberal bullshit is occuring.

Matt Wlash: Pizza Hut and Target sittin in a woke tree, stealing our citizens money
by Skyrim550 May 20, 2022
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