1 definition by Sir Mesconofsky of the High Field

A Waxman, or, as plural, known as "Waxwomen" is a very odd compilation of beings. To become known as a "Waxman", one would have to complete a Alabama razorback on themselves. This leaves themselves odd and messed in the head and back. After covering one's self in semenic goo, (their own semenic goo, no doubt)they have prepared themselves for the first stage of human- waxman transformation. The next step is as follows:

-Revert back to a cellular stage of single cells and undue the telophase. Utilize the use of one's spindle fibers mixed with black lights and dog spit to grow self fullfillingly. Suddenly the waxman process has begun. Put the primordial piece of shit- soup in a pan, and wait about 15 years for it to grow. In the main time, you can cook a nice little paistry via Martha Stewart's books and tv shows. Once the recipe is complete, place the being next to a goat, and watch the fun begin!
I was going to go to the mall, but it was too crowded, so I unleashed a Waxman to clean it out.
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