2 definitions by Short Fuse

A Hat Girl is a girl who has the strangest arrangment of Hats just so as to stand out. They want to be non-comformist, a bit of a rebel and get noticed in this way because usually they dont have much self esteam, hence the big and outrageous hats! Unfortunatly they just end up looking stupid as, and become less popular due to the fact they dont follow the trends.
"What the fuck was that on her head!"

"Where does she think thats going to get her?"
by Short Fuse July 23, 2005
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It's slang for lunch time ,originated from old miners who had a half meat half fruit pasty for there break they would "snap it " and have the two meals "

Very promenant in Ireland with the travelling fraternity
Time for snap

Snap time lads

You joining us for snap
by Short Fuse October 11, 2015
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