10 definitions by Seikinushi

When an Indian nigga fucking kills himself and some random nigga on the other side of the world spontaneously gets exploding diarrhea and beats the shit out of the nearest black person simultaneously
That nigga down the street pulled a ravithumdi and the pope on the other side of the planet racially profiled Martin Luther King Jr. and died from the ensuing ass disaster.
by Seikinushi December 1, 2019
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A white nigga that has huge freckles the size of apples all over his body.
Dude 1: hey you see that new kid Isaiah that transferred here?
Dude 2: yeah he looks like a chocolate chip pancake.
by Seikinushi December 1, 2019
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When a fat ass nigga beats a skinny nigga to death and proceeds to shit his pants.
Yo you hear that quandray got yoomeern’d last Tuesday?

Yeah bro that shits wack
by Seikinushi December 1, 2019
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