3 definitions by Scribbling Dame

Similar to racism, but not, vagism is a discrimination that occurs from mother to mother, occurring when one mother places judgment on another mother for a myriad of possible reasons.
I refuse to share my real birth story for fear of vagism.
by Scribbling Dame October 9, 2010
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an iPhone, when paid more attention to than an actual spouse, sometimes even in preference to a live spouse.
"Do you want to watch a movie, dear, or will you be on a date with your iWife tonight?"
by Scribbling Dame February 4, 2010
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a party you feel like you've been at before because all the same drunk assholes are there.
Look at all those crunken fools. I swear I am having a reparte moment.
by Scribbling Dame January 25, 2010
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