284 definitions by Scott

seperating your nuts from your leg
damn yo, distract these females, i gotta schizabootal real quick, the sabre-tooth crotch critters are gnawling on my buffalo-sack and my leg.
by Scott October 17, 2003
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1. Even though it's real meaning is "fucking ass", it is mostly used when telling someone "Damn right"

2. It is also used to tell someone that you did not just get what they said, but you're pretending to get it. This would be used with a questioning tone of voice.

3. Also, it can be used to diss someone. In this case, "effing a" would mean "fucking asshole". While saying this, it could aslo mean "what the hell" at the same time.

4. The term really started being used after it was on the movie "Dodgeball".
1. Girl,"I want you to fuck me."
Guy,"Effing a!"

2. Girl,"I was so like, oh my gosh, awesome at that thing a couple days ago and like it was so just ya."
Guy,"Effing a?"

3. Guy 1,"haha, I did your girlfriend last night hommie."
Guy 2,"dude, effing a."

4. Cotton,"That was sure amazing!"
Pepper,"Effing a Cotton, effing a!"
by Scott September 19, 2006
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I poundcake in your general direction
by Scott January 18, 2004
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It's what snoop uses to clean his whites.
Yo snoop whatchoo usin for ur whites?

by Scott January 5, 2005
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The most common way to remove a hemorrhoid.
Man I just had a rubberband liagation and my ass hurts.
by Scott January 18, 2004
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A person that plays on Halo, who is a total douche bag, and enjoys getting blowjobs from a bus driver named jenny.
8 mile is getting a bj while he acts like a douche on Halo.
by Scott April 23, 2005
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A skank fart that smells like a bitch. Usual done by a gay ass homo named Scott.2 The act of boneing sum 1 throguh the eye or were ever.

Scott just ripped ass.
by Scott May 25, 2004
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